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드럼몰: 에반스 리얼필 12 evans realfeel 12인치
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에반스 리얼필 12 evans realfeel 12인치

40,000원 날짜 2024.05.19 13:51 조회 382

1.상품명/모델 : 에반스 리얼필 12 인치
2.상태/사용기간 : A|B|C / 12개월
3.지역/거래방법 : 서울|경기 / 직거래 or 택배거래
4.기타사항 : 에반스&Nbsp;N style="foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif; foNt-size: 14px;">12인치 입니다.&Nbsp;N>

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">구매는 대략 1년 전입니다. 직장 다니다 보니 연습하기 힘들고 해서 팝니다.&Nbsp;

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">보시다시피 헤드에 살짝 자국 있는거 빼고는 아주 멀쩡합니다(뒷면에 우리 아들내미가 낙서를..ㅜㅜ)

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">스네어 스탠드는 제외하고,&Nbsp;

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">가격은 40000원입니다.&Nbsp;

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">
N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; margiN: 0px; paddiNg: 0px;">

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">직거래: 주중(월~금) 09시~18시:&Nbsp;선릉역 인근

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; margiN-left: 4em; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">주중 22시 이후: 수지 성복역 인근

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; margiN-left: 4em; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">주말: 수지 성복동 입니다.&Nbsp;

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; margiN-left: 4em; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">
N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; margiN: 0px; paddiNg: 0px;">

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; margiN-left: 4em; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">전화번호는 010-6505-5150 입니다.&Nbsp;

N="" gothic",="" "맑은="" 고딕",="" dotum,="" 돋움,="" saNs-serif;="" color:="" rgb(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" foNt-style:="" Normal;="" foNt-variaNt-ligatures:="" foNt-variaNt-caps:="" foNt-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spaciNg:="" orphaNs:="" 2;="" text-aligN:="" start;="" text-iNdeNt:="" 0px;="" text-traNsform:="" NoNe;="" widows:="" word-spaciNg:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" text-decoratioN-thickNess:="" iNitial;="" text-decoratioN-style:="" text-decoratioN-color:="" iNitial;"="" style="box-siziNg: border-box; margiN-left: 4em; foNt-size: 14px; foNt-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular, "MalguN Gothic", "맑은 고딕", dotum, 돋움, saNs-serif;">문자 부탁드립니다.&Nbsp;

판매자 가입시기, 거래내역 꼭 체크하시고 특히 최근가입자이면서 본인인증연락처와 실거래연락처가 다를 경우 또는 평균시세보다 저렴할 경우 절대주의!! 꼭 직거래하세요. 판매자 연락처・정보 확인하기

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  • 한정수량 할인 및 특가상품
    Pearl Demon Drive XR Machined Bass Drum Double Pedall(P-3502D) / 데몬 신형 더블페달, 가방포함
    [할인쿠폰증정]  1,500,000원
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    [이달의초특가] Pearl Decade Maple 디케이드 메이플 드럼세트+Sabian HHX Evolution 심벌세트+오토바이드럼의자+드럼스틱+뮤트링 [풀패키지] / 기획특가, 한정수량
    2,900,000원  3,950,000원
  • 한정수량 할인 및 특가상품
    DW Collector Series Maple 콜렉터 메이플 스네어드럼 14x6.5(DREX6514SSG-MB) Exotic Natural Lacquer Over Mapa Burl / Made in USA, 엑조틱 피니쉬, 금장하드웨어
    2,300,000원  2,500,000원
  • 한정수량 할인 및 특가상품
    Ludwig Black Beauty Snare(LB417KT) 14"x6.5" / 루딕 블랙뷰티 스네어, hammered Shell, Tube Lugs
  • 한정수량 할인 및 특가상품
    Pearl MasterWorks 스네어드럼 14x6.5 (Teal Fade Sparkle, MW1465S20-TFS ) / All Maple, 20Ply, 펄 마스터웍스 커스텀 스네어드럼
    [할인쿠폰증정]  1,900,000원
  • 팝업스토어 - 특가문의해주세요.

    [이벤트] Evans Tom Pack 탐탐패키지 구매시 Evans USA 14 또는 16인치 헤드 무료증정


  • 팝업스토어 - 특가문의해주세요.

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400W 풀옵션 버스킹 행사용 엑티브
손발에 피멍이 들도록 진행시켜
펄 프리플로팅 쉘 재질별 사운드 비교
첫 싱글 앨범이 발매되었습니다!
소노 라이트 자작스네어드럼 사운드
레모 드럼
연습실 이
도쿄 아키
저도 백만
스네어 궁
DW 스네
페달들 점
국민은행 459201-04-060917 예금주: (주)뉴송컴퍼니
농협은행 355-0038-9824-83 예금주: (주)뉴송컴퍼니
우리은행 1005-402-851733 예금주: (주)뉴송컴퍼니
안전거래(에스크로)서비스 이용가능[가입사실확인]
Biz Info
사업자등록 264-88-00242 (주)뉴송컴퍼니 | 통신판매업 제 2019-서울양천-0841호  [사업자등록정보확인]
대표 손우영 | 서울특별시 양천구 오목로 129 지하(신정동) (우편번호 07942)  [약도]
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Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.(Psalms 96:1)